Which 'Small & Frye' character are you?

What is your favorite type of food?

  • Pizza
  • Sushi
  • Burgers
  • Salad

What is your ideal weekend activity?

  • Hiking
  • Watching TV
  • Going to a concert
  • Relaxing at the beach

What is your dream job?

  • Author
  • Chef
  • Musician
  • Yoga instructor

How would you describe your style?

  • Classic
  • Sporty
  • Bohemian
  • Edgy

What is your favorite movie genre?

  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Drama
  • Romance

You are Small!

You are adventurous and always curious about the world. You have a strong sense of justice and will do anything for your friends.

You are Frye!

You are a true foodie and love trying new foods. You are also a bit of a dreamer and always thinking about your next big project.

You are Milo!

You are a natural leader and always take charge in any situation. You have a passion for music and love to dance.

You are Luna!

You are a free spirit and love spending time outdoors. You have a calm and peaceful aura that others are drawn to.

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