Which 'Committed' character are you?

What is your ideal date?

  • A) Picnic in the park
  • B) Fancy dinner at a restaurant
  • C) Staying in and watching Netflix
  • D) Adventurous outdoor activity

What type of music do you enjoy?

  • A) Classical
  • B) Pop
  • C) Rock
  • D) Country

What's your go-to meal when you're feeling down?

  • A) Ice cream
  • B) Pizza
  • C) Soup
  • D) Chocolate

What's your biggest fear?

  • A) Failure
  • B) Heights
  • C) Public speaking
  • D) Spiders

Which of these fits your personality best?

  • A) Outgoing and adventurous
  • B) Introverted and book-loving
  • C) Confident and outspoken
  • D) Artistic and creative


You're a romantic at heart and always try to find the beauty in everything.


You're analytical and logical, always finding the best solution to any problem.


You're adventurous and always willing to try new things. You have a free-spirited nature that can't be tamed.


You're a bit of a rebel and don't like being tied down to any one thing. You have a rebellious nature but it only adds to your charm.


You're a deep-thinker and enjoy immersing yourself in philosophical discussions. You have a vivid imagination and always seek to understand the world around you.

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