Famous Authors Trivia

Uncover the lives, works, and influences of the literary geniuses who penned some of the world's most beloved classics.

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Trivia Results

Reach for the stars as you test your knowledge.

Classical Mythology Trivia

Delve into the tales, gods, heroes, and creatures from ancient myths that have shaped cultures and inspired countless retellings.

International Cuisines Trivia

Savor the rich flavors, traditions, and histories of dishes from around the world.

Broadway Musicals Trivia

Step into the spotlight and immerse yourself in the songs, stories, and stars of the stage.

Friends TV Series Secrets Trivia

Welcome to all fans of 'Friends'! Dive deep into the world of Monica, Ross, Chandler, Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe. Discover intriguing facts and behind-the-scenes tidbits from the iconic Central Perk and their New York City adventures.

Christmas Movies Trivia

Cuddle up with a blanket and hot cocoa, and revisit the iconic films that capture the magic, joy, and spirit of the Christmas season.

Famous Landmarks Trivia

Test your knowledge on some of the world's most iconic landmarks! From ancient wonders to modern marvels, this trivia will take you on a tour around the globe.

Iconic Fashion Designers Trivia

Discover the visionaries of the fashion world whose creative designs, trends, and innovations have defined style and couture.

Animal Kingdom Trivia

Journey into the wild and learn about the diverse species that inhabit our planet, from the smallest insects to the largest mammals.

Thanksgiving Traditions Trivia

Give thanks and learn about the history, rituals, and dishes that make Thanksgiving a cherished celebration in various cultures.

World Currencies Trivia

Navigate the coins, notes, and financial systems that power economies and facilitate global trade.