Nobel Peace Prize Winners Trivia

Celebrate the individuals and organizations recognized for their efforts in promoting peace, diplomacy, and global cooperation.

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Trivia Results

Reach for the stars as you test your knowledge.

Notable Philosophers Trivia

Ponder the thoughts, ideas, and legacies of the great thinkers who have sought to understand life's biggest questions.

Hollywood Golden Age Trivia

Relive the glamour, stars, and iconic films of Hollywood's most celebrated era.

Superheroes and Comic Books Trivia

Leap into the illustrated worlds of caped crusaders, mighty mutants, and iconic characters that have inspired generations.

Popular Toys and Games Trivia

Reminisce about the playthings, gadgets, and games that have entertained, educated, and brought joy to generations of children and adults alike.

Famous Authors Trivia

Uncover the lives, works, and influences of the literary geniuses who penned some of the world's most beloved classics.

Historic Epidemics and Pandemics Trivia

Revisit the outbreaks, impacts, and lessons from history's most significant epidemics and pandemics that have shaped public health responses.

Famous Explorers Trivia

Trace the footsteps of the adventurers who ventured into the unknown, mapping our world and making history.

Endangered Species Trivia

Discover the precious species on the brink of extinction and understand the efforts to conserve their habitats and futures.

Major Scientific Theories Trivia

Delve into the groundbreaking ideas, hypotheses, and principles that have provided the foundation for scientific knowledge and understanding.

Famous Poets Trivia

Immerse in the verses, stanzas, and voices of the poets who have captured emotions, observations, and the human experience in their writings.