Decode Your Boyfriend's Body Language

When you're having a conversation, how does your boyfriend position his body?

  • Leaning towards you and making eye contact
  • Crossing his arms and avoiding eye contact
  • Turning his body away from you
  • Sitting or standing with relaxed body language

How does your boyfriend react when you touch him?

  • He initiates physical contact and hugs back
  • He stiffens up and pulls away
  • He seems uncomfortable but doesn't say anything
  • He doesn't mind but doesn't show much response either

When he introduces you to his friends, how does he behave?

  • He proudly introduces you and holds your hand
  • He barely acknowledges your presence
  • He introduces you but keeps his distance
  • He introduces you with a smile but no physical contact

During an argument, how does your boyfriend react?

  • He calmly listens and tries to find a solution
  • He raises his voice and becomes defensive
  • He withdraws and avoids confronting the issue
  • He shows patience and understanding

How does your boyfriend behave when you're upset?

  • He offers comfort and tries to cheer you up
  • He seems indifferent and dismissive
  • He gets frustrated and impatient
  • He listens attentively and offers a shoulder to lean on

The Open and Honest Communicator

Your boyfriend's body language suggests that he is open, honest, and genuinely interested in your relationship.

The Evasive and Guarded

Your boyfriend's body language indicates that he may be guarded or evasive in certain situations.

The Reserved and Introverted

Your boyfriend's body language reflects a reserved and introverted personality.

The Calm and Supportive Partner

Your boyfriend's body language portrays him as a calm and supportive partner who values your emotions.

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