Decode His Mixed Signals

How does he usually communicate with you?

  • He texts me frequently and initiates conversations.
  • He only reaches out when he needs something.
  • He's inconsistent - sometimes texts, sometimes calls.
  • He rarely texts or calls me.

How does he behave when you're together?

  • He's affectionate and attentive.
  • He's distant and seems preoccupied.
  • He's hot and cold - sometimes distant, sometimes affectionate.
  • He doesn't make an effort to spend time with me.

How does he react when you talk about the future?

  • He seems interested and includes me in his plans.
  • He changes the topic or avoids discussing it.
  • He's unsure and gives mixed responses.
  • He's not interested in discussing the future.

How does he treat you around his friends or family?

  • He proudly introduces me and includes me in conversations.
  • He keeps our relationship private and doesn't involve me much.
  • It varies - sometimes he includes me, sometimes he doesn't.
  • He doesn't acknowledge our relationship or introduce me.

How does he respond when you express your feelings?

  • He's open and understanding, and shares his own feelings.
  • He gets defensive or tries to change the subject.
  • He's hesitant and doesn't fully address the issue.
  • He dismisses or ignores my feelings.

The Confused Casanova

He might be unsure about his own feelings and is sending mixed signals as a result. Communicate openly and give him space to figure things out.

The Inattentive Player

He's not fully invested in the relationship and may be keeping his options open. Consider whether this is the type of relationship you want.

The Hot and Cold Enigma

He's unpredictable and inconsistent in his behavior. It's important to set clear boundaries and communicate your needs.

The Devoted Partner

He consistently shows affection and commitment. Enjoy the journey and continue nurturing your relationship.

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